Thomas’ emotional intelligence assessment

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The price of the TEIQue test is (815 Saudi Riyal) per person. If you would like to take the test, click the button below to register and pay, and then we will contact you and send the test link to your email.

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Thomas’ emotional intelligence assessment
Thomas’ emotional intelligence assessment, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), can help your business understand employees emotions and how they approach the emotions of others in the workplace.
What is an Emotional Intelligence Test ?
An Emotional Intelligence (EI) test is designed to understand your level of EI based on the five characteristics of emotional intelligence. It’s your ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.

Pioneered under the research of Mayer, Caruso, Salovey & Sitarenios (2003), Emotional Intelligence is different from IQ (Intelligence Quota) which measures logical reasoning. EI gives us a greater understanding of how someone deals with their emotions and the emotions of others in day-to-day situations.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is something which can be developed over time. The main components of EI include: Self Awareness (a recognition of one’s own emotions), Social Awareness (recognition of others’ emotions), Self Management (ability to manage one’s emotions) and social skills (an ability to influence and manage others’ emotions).

An Emotional Intelligence test is designed to analyse these traits and understand what areas require development to help round out a person’s ability to develop their EI in specific situations.

How does a Emotional Intelligence Test work ?
Based on the type of test you’re using (self report, others report and the MEIS test), you will have different methodologies to complete an emotional test.

Self reporting tests can be done by yourself and give you some insight into your EI. The test works by posing a question and then requiring you to answer honestly based on the options available. For example, “I find it’s hard to fall asleep at night” followed by responses which include, “not true” “somewhat true” “very true”.

Others reporting (360 degree feedback) is similar to self reporting, the primary difference being that, other people are answering. A typical example in others reporting for emotional intelligence includes “Understands my emotions” followed by responses which include, “not true” “somewhat true” “very true”.

MEIS testing is based on questions from situational scenarios with three potential answers equating to a score per answer (the respondent isn’t aware of weighting). These answers are then evaluated across a database of responses to provide a total score and thus measure your EI.

Thomas uses the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue). Registered with the British Psychological Society, the test is designed to measure 15 emotional traits concerning Well-Being, Self-Control, Emotionality and Sociability.

Emotionally intelligent people cope better with




performance issues

TEIQue really helps us to get under the skin of a candidate’s personality and gives prospective managers an in-depth insight into how a candidate would fit in their team.
Donna Carolan, Head of Talent Acquisition

Background & Theory
The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue – pronounced TQ) was developed, and is continually updated, by K.V. Petrides, PhD at his London Psychometric Laboratory, currently based at University College London (UCL).
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The TEIQue is based on K. V. Petrides’ trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) theory, which views the construct as a constellation of emotional self-perceptions located at the lower levels of personality hierarchies. Trait EI provides a complete operationalisation of the affective aspects of personality, meaning that it assesses the emotional world of the individual comprehensively.

Among other psychological characteristics, the TEIQue assesses our beliefs about our emotional abilities (e.g., how good we believe we are at identifying, understanding, and managing our own and other people’s emotions). These beliefs are strong predictors of a remarkable range of behaviours and achievements, many of which are vital in the workplace (job performance, job satisfaction, job stress, leadership, organisational citizenship, organisational commitment, teamwork, etc.).

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The TEIQue is a self-report questionnaire. Individuals indicate their level of agreement on a 1-7 Likert scale (1 ‘disagree completely’ to 7 ‘agree completely’) with 153 unique items.
Reliability & Validity
The TEIQue is registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) after it was audited against the technical criteria established by the European Standing Committee on Tests and Testing, part of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations.
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